Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Heat

Here it comes. That old familiar RLQ pain. Stiff, achy low back. The uncomfortably heated hips, thighs, knees. Fever, night rigors. The fatigue and general malaise.

Since my Jinxy July post, I have been fully preoccupied with an exciting--and excruciatingly stressful--project at work. Now commuting five days a week, I am less vigilant about avoiding grains and sugar, but not carelessly so. I still eschew all nuts, corn syrup, coconut, soy, and various other fruit allergens (due to OAS or oral ulceration).

For months, I have been treating low back pain with prescription Motrin. Initially, taking at certain points of my cycle only. Then, almost daily. I realize now that I have probably been denying the inevitable ... an Ulcerative Colitis (UC) flare-up.

The body DOES have a way of making stop and pay attention. Thank God for that!

GI doctor called in a 14 day course of Cipro on 10 Dec.


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