Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What's Next?

I called my doctor when I realized it's been a month since I finished that antibiotic, and I am not feeling better--on the contrary, steadily worse. The nurse promised to check with the doctor whether my suggestion to try another course of Flagyl before re-testing was a feasible one.

Right after I hung up the phone, I went out. A half hour into my errands, I was absolutely doubled by a sudden flare-up. I finished my list slowly, then got myself home and sat down with a yogurt and some peppermint tea (after a couple of trips to the bathroom, of course). I'm still very crampy, but upright at least - funny how simply "upright" is almost an acceptable state of being these days.

The Right Question

Nancy L. Logan, MA, an individual associated with Baylor University's 2005-2006 C-Diff studies, shared results with a C-Diff-infected individual in Connecticut. The individual's blog comment relays the study's findings as described in email by Logan:

"A drug called Nitazoxanide has proven to be more effective than vanco or metronidazole. It has been used previously, and world-wide, to treat pediatric patients for Giardia (a bug that is, as it were, child's play when compared to this new strain of c-diff)."

Read about study NCT00304408 on

C-Diff Prevention

Alcohol-gel hand sanitizers do not kill C. diff, according to (this one might!) ...

... however, these smell delicious and they moisturize, too.

Pink Skies

VSL at night, UC delight;
VSL in morning, UC take warning!

I don't think my empty gut can handle a probiotic invasion - so PM dosage is preferable - when I don't take it at all ... total relapse. Not sure if I need it every night; looking for the happy interval.

I'm reading more about medication negatives, for both UC and C-Diff, but it's hard to find current articles on either topic. Here's one about the New C-Diff Bug.

"As it happens, [Fred Arthur Zar, MD] had been studying the best way to treat C. diff infection when the current epidemic broke out. In a clinical trial, he's been comparing the currently recommended treatment for C. diff -- the antimicrobial drug Flagyl -- with a powerful antibiotic called vancomycin.

Vancomycin is known to work against C. diff. But doctors have been reluctant to use it -- not only because it costs more, but also because it's the last line of defense against a number of other nasty infections. Once it's in common use, it's only a matter of time before many of these germs become vancomycin resistant."

Current epidemic?