It's Supplemental

I needed a container with 9 sections to store one day's vitamin supply, but since most pillboxes are segmented by multiples of 2 or 7, I spent Sunday creating this little box. I also took some time to get into a routine with the Standard Process supplements. Here's my schedule:
Before meal:
10 drops of Phosfood; 2 Zymex; 2 Gastrex; 2 Spanish Black Radish
During meal:
1 CalAmo, 1 LactEnz, 1 OkraPepsin E3, 1 Dessicated Adrenal
After meal:
2 Zypan
These concentrated foods couple with SCD to form a Candida protocol. I already feel like I have more energy. I suppose it does take some effort, but I am so accustomed to extra concentration around mealtime; it's hardly a bother.
Today is my last day of Flagyl - two weeks until I can retest.