My Red Aura

A rare winter storm is predicted for Friday morning, so I moved the appointment with my Mind-body therapist to tomorrow. I'll be picking up more supplements, and doing some guided EFT.
I may also have the pleasure of seeing my current emotional-energetic state on the small screen, using a biofeedback imaging system. To get this reading, I align my fingers and palm to the little receptor studs on a handplate (box). Points on the hand which make contact with the metal points on the box correspond to the body's energy centers (chakras). The handplate instrument connects by USB to a desktop PC, where biophysical input is converted to a colorful representation of body-mind state. Groovy? Pretty amazing ...
Above-left is an example of "balanced" energy, with each chakra glowing a different color. At right, you'll see what my energy looks like most of the time. That bit of green coming in from the left is something I have worked very hard to achieve. Still, any acupuncturist would say I have too much heat!
Sometimes, music or guided relaxation has brought cooler colors into my spectrum, but it's ... not easy to maintain the calm.